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LO i Oslo er en sammenslutning av over hundre fagforeninger i Oslo og ble stiftet 9. februar 1920 som Kristiania Faglige Samorganisasjon. Følg med her og på Facebook.


25. april

Fanemarkering for å støtte Tesla-streiken, kl. 14:30 på Jernbanetorget.

25. april

Fanemarkering mot økningen i kjedemakta, kamp for 300 arbeidsplasser. Kl. 15:30 utenfor Ringnes i Thorvald Meyers gate 2.

30. april

Allsangkveld kl. 18:30 i Kulturkirken Jakob.

1. mai

Arrangementet på Youngstorget starter kl. 11:45 og toget går kl. 12:50.

LO in Oslo in solidarity with the RMT strikers

LO i Oslos styre 8. september 2022:

On behalf of the LO trade unions in Oslo, Norway, we want to express our solidarity with the RMT and your members as you again must go on strike on the 15th and 17th of September in an effort to make Network Rail and the train operating companies listen. We wholeheartedly support your fight for decent pay, job security and safe railways.

The proposed cuts in the railway budgets are heinous. The government should invest more money in public transport, not defund it, especially with the climate crisis in mind. The best way to cut costs would be to take the railway back. Private profit should have no place in rail services.

We also support your opposition to the new anti-union laws laid down by the Conservative government. The Tories want to make it harder to strike, to fight for our rights, but the right to strike is basic and protected by The European Convention on Human Rights. This cannot stand.

Your strike actions are an example and inspiration to workers everywhere. Keep up the fight!